Topper East Traveller Series #3

Norfolk Broads YC

Results are final as of 19:04 on April 17, 2022


Sailed: 4, Discards: 1, To count: 3, Entries: 13, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank SailNo Champ # Club HelmName R1 R2 R3 R4 Total Nett
1st 48744 156 Hunts SC Graydon McLeod Fleming 1.0 1.0 1.0 (5.0) 8.0 3.0
2nd 48714 164 Priory SC Daniel McGregor (6.0) 4.0 2.0 1.0 13.0 7.0
3rd 47625 691 Snowflake SC Eleanor Thwaites 2.0 2.0 (4.0) 3.0 11.0 7.0
4th 48663 865   Rosie Pank 3.0 (9.0) 3.0 4.0 19.0 10.0
5th 47209 521 NBYC Jensen Jakob 5.0 (7.0) 5.0 2.0 19.0 12.0
6th 48526     Ed Brightwell (11.0) 3.0 6.0 6.0 26.0 15.0
7th 47488 336 Hickling broad SC Harry Wemyss (10.0) 5.0 8.0 7.0 30.0 20.0
8th 47543   Snowflake SC John Whitefoot 7.0 6.0 (9.0) 8.0 30.0 21.0
9th 46977 154 Snowflake SC Lizzie Whitefoot 4.0 8.0 10.0 (14.0 DNC) 36.0 22.0
10th 48974 285 WOBYC Nathan Clark 8.0 10.0 (11.0) 9.0 38.0 27.0
11th 2     Eleanor Barnes (12.0) 11.0 7.0 10.0 40.0 28.0
12th 47302     Jago Bucher 9.0 12.0 (14.0 DNC) 14.0 DNC 49.0 35.0
13th 31919     Hugo Jury 13.0 (14.0 DNF) 14.0 DNF 14.0 DNC 55.0 41.0

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